Thursday 5 January 2012

Fun travels in packs with the P family!

Our 2nd Christmas shoot was with a large family.  One child on the spectrum, and a bunch of "littles" jacked up on holiday energy and ready to go!!
The gang's all here!
Look at those amazing eyes.
 Mom was 100% instrumental in helping us wrangle the group.  She wanted very specific set ups, with certain individuals with the others.  Thankfully, the kids were all more than willing to sit and pose and ham it up.  We had great talks about Annie the Musical and Spagetti Ohs (lots of the smiles you see were mid-spagetti oh shout!)

Big Brother A
Adorable Sisters
Brothers and best buds
 The ASD portion of the shoot was awesome.  J was very against the photos at first, so we worked with the others and had some fun.  Slowly, J realized we were having us some fun over there, and worked his way wonderfully into the group photos.  We moved from there to pictures with his big brother A (in the amazing bow tie!) and from there, we eased into the individual portraits.  We shot around and included his Elvis ornament and even the iPad.  I think it worked out amazing.
J and Elvis, his favorite

Amazing green eyes and deep in thought
My favorite photo of the whole shoot however is the one of the 5 littles on the stairs.  We were being goofy and having fun.  This one was their scary faces.  The absolute commitment to it and the laughter and fun that comes through in this photo makes me laugh, every single time I look at it.   
the best horde I have ever seen!

Thank you P family, for letting us into your home and your holiday! 

Anita and Geoff

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